Orijen Puppy Dry Dog Food


Tomlinson's Take

Whole chicken, turkey, herring, and hake combine lean protein for growth support and omega-3 fatty acids for brain development in this top-tier, grain-free kibble for puppies.
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  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • GTD Analysis
  • Orijen Large Breed Puppy Formula Dog Food combines chicken, turkey, herring, and whole hake to craft a biologically appropriate, grain-free food formulated for puppies.

    All Orijen dog food is:

    Designed to nourish according to their natural evolution of a meat-based diet
    Grain-free and carbohydrate limited
    Formulated without long lists of synthetic supplements
    Rich in meat and protein variety to supply nutrients naturally and completely

    Orijen's unmatched ingredient list includes multi-proteins that echo your pet's ancestral diet while 86-ing high-glycemic carbs, vegetable proteins, and synthetic supplements found in mass pet foods.

  • Fresh chicken (23%), raw turkey (10%), fresh chicken giblets (liver, heart) (8%), raw whole herring (6%), raw whole hake (5%), fresh eggs (5%), dehydrated chicken (4%), dehydrated turkey (4%), dehydrated mackerel (4%), dehydrated sardine (4%), dehydrated herring (4%), chicken fat (4%), whole red lentils, whole peas, whole green lentils, whole chickpeas, lentil fibre, whole pinto beans, whole navy beans, raw turkey liver (2%), pollock oil (2%), pea starch, dried kelp, fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole carrots, fresh whole apples, fresh whole pears, dried chicory root, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, turmeric, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips.

  • Crude Protein 38% min
    Crude Fat 20% min
    Crude Fiber 5% max
    Moisture 12% max
    Caloric Content 520 kcal per cup

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